Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Embedding a Google Earth Viewer into Google Sites

Interested in putting a Google Earth presentation into your Google Site? Using a gadget will allow you to embed your Google Earth file into a viewable window. 

This is a presentation I created from the book P is for Palmetto, by Carol Crane. All of the text within the presentation is the work of Ms. Crane.

Here's how I did it:
  1. Create your KMZ file and save it to a server or somewhere like Dropbox. Saving it to Google Docs / Google Drive does not preserve the .kmz extension at the end of the file. You'll need to have that .kmz extension to make this work
  2. Go to the Google Site page where you'll want your gadget to appear.
  3. Click on the Edit button. Select Insert from the menu toolbar and select "More gadgets" from the bottom of the left-hand column. Then, select "Add gadget by URL" from the left-hand side of the box.
  4. Paste in the URL http://dl.google.com/developers/maps/embedkmlgadget.xml. (Make sure there is only one "http://" at the beginning of the URL.) Click Add.
  5. In the box reserved for "KML or My Maps URL" enter the address where your KMZ file is located. (I stored my KMZ file in Dropbox and this didn't work quite right. I had to go back to Dropbox, click on the "Get Link" button and go to the page that appeared. In the center of the page, right-click or Control-click on the Download button. Select the option "Copy Link Address." Paste this into the box reserved for "KML or My Maps URL.")
  6. Make any changes you prefer and click OK.
You should be good to go after that. I've noticed that some of the pictures I've added to my KMZ file have not loaded properly, but most are loading perfectly. 

Here are two helpful sites:

  1. http://www.google.com/earth/outreach/tutorials/kmlembed.html
  2. http://www.steegle.com/websites/google-sites-howtos/embed-google-map

Good luck!
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