Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Create a Podcast Project (Full Lesson Plan)


With the onset of spring, many teachers are having their students complete research assignments, which usually include some sort of presentation, whether a Keynote, PowerPoint, or a Prezi. Allow me to propose an alternative: podcasting. Officially, podcasts are audio recordings posted on the Internet that people can subscribe to, meaning they'll automatically receive each new recording that is posted. Less technically, a podcast is simply an audio recording that is shared with other people. It is a fantastic way for people to share their learning or provide information with others in a way that is engaging for both the creator and the listener!

Benefits of Podcasting

Depending on the expectations of the project, students will learn
  1. How to conduct proper academic research
  2. How to cite their sources
  3. The importance of organizing their thoughts in order to provide a clearly understood argument
  4. Presentation skills
  5. How to work effectively within a group to achieve a common purpose
  6. Group management skills
  7. Several technology programs and processes that they may see later in their education and careers

Project Guides / Cheat Sheets

An in-depth research project, such as creating a podcast, has many moving parts, which can tend to disorient students as they are inundated with dates, figures, and facts. It helps to have a clear guide that directs students through the process in order to keep them focused and on track. To help with this I've created a step-by-step guide for teachers and students as they go along.

Microsoft Word format: http://db.tt/XMTU2WFC
Apple Pages format: http://db.tt/umqBqBMT

Edit these documents (especially the areas with the yellow highlights) to apply to your class and your expectations.

Note: You'll notice that the directions utilize Apple's GarageBand application, but for Windows users try Windows Movie Maker, Audacity, or SoundCloud.com.

Have fun podcasting!

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