Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Connecting Google Docs and Evernote

At my school we are currently in the planning stages of implementing an ePortfolio initiative with our 7th graders for next year. This will be done in conjunction with a 1:1 iPad program, which will allow students to create work and move it onto the web so they can share their work with their teachers and even use it for student-led conferences. (As a side note, student-led conferences are one of the greatest ideas I've encountered in schools! Essentially students are responsible for exhibiting samples of their work for their parents and describing their plans for moving forward.) We are currently using Google Apps for Education as our primary means of sharing documents, and students have become very competent in accessing and sharing their work with their peers and teachers. However, we have decided to utilize Evernote for building their ePortfolios because Google Docs is very clunky when working with it on the iPad (what's the deal, Google?) and Evernote has a powerful mobile app that will help streamline the process. Evernote possesses many other great aspects, but that's another post.

Because we're using Google Docs one of the stumbling points was How does or how can Evernote work with Google Docs? We want to continue using Google Docs, especially in the computer labs, but we are aware the two don't play well with each other on the iPad. So, I came up with some (hopefully) simple steps for sharing your Google Docs with Evernote.


Good luck!

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