Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Collaboration is one of the best ways to increase learning and create a sense of community. Many tools are readily available to facilitate collaboration, whether that is peer-to-peer or teacher-to-student or student-to-student collaboration. Any way it is done the goal is to learn together, sharing understanding and resources. A great resource to consider is a ning. This is general term referring to an online learning community where people of similar interests pool their combined resources and knowledge in order to help the group at large. Nings exist for art teachers, people with cats, or mountain bikers; they exist for every possible group you can imagine.

How might a ning be used within a classroom, in a traditional teacher-and-students setting? Suppose the teacher set up a ning to discuss topics they had been discussing in history class. Perhaps they can list or catalogue their understandings of over-arching themes and show how history repeats itself. Students are quick to grab onto a resource like a ning because they are accustomed to using sites like Facebook, Google+, and MySpace, where they join together with their friends and discuss a variety of subjects.

Nings can also be used to encourage professional growth. Participants can discuss current methods they are implementing and topics being discussed in the classroom. Everyone that participates in a ning benefits, whether they are actively participating or simply reaping the benefits of others' experience.

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