Thursday, June 9, 2011

Me and You...Tube

YouTube is a fantastic resource for finding great educational videos. Unfortunately, in the context of educational use, YouTube can receive a bad rep because there is a large number of inappropriate videos on the site, which can get students in trouble if they're irresponsible. However, if properly monitored, YouTube can be a real boon to the classroom because, while there is a large number of videos that are not beneficial in the class, there is a larger number of great videos.

The Internet also allows students to quickly create videos that can be posted to YouTube and then be shared with not only with their classmates but with the world! Below is an example of how a student might use YouTube to produce a quality work that can then be shared with the world. This student showed her understanding of Native Americans by creating a video. That means she had to put together her understands in a way that could then be clearly communicated, then she had pull together visual resources that would help her teach the topic. In this case, she used Google Earth. Imagine how much more seriously a student will take an assignment if they know it could be seen by any person around the world!

How do you think you can use YouTube in your classroom?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you are saying totally. For all the questionable video out there, you will also have just as many good quality learning videos. As teachers we need to weigh the potential for learning. In other words, does the potential for good learning out weigh the bad? As teachers, as long as we make the expectations known to students and we monitor what our kids are doing in class, then I think we should be able to use YouTube video as we see fit.


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