Monday, June 13, 2011

The Voice Heard 'Round the World

What a blessing the Internet provides in the ease of communicating. One great way to communicate through the Internet is to record your voice and post it to your website. This would be fantastic option for a student who would prefer to record his/her voice rather than standing in front of a class for a presentation. Teachers could post a recording to his/her website so students could re-listen to the instructions for the class assignment.

One of the easiest sites for recording your voice is Simply plug in a microphone, hit "Record" and grab the embed code. That's it! There's no signing up for a website or anything! Try it out today! Below is an example of a simple Vocaroo recording.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I find that students ask the same question over and over again. If I recorded my lecture, I could post it on my blog and then direct the students back to recorded version. This would make them work for the knowledge rather and have me spoon feed them.


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