Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Student Accountability and Fears of Integrating the Classroom

One of the greatest fears of bringing computers into the classroom is the question of "unleashing the student onto the Internet". Teachers and administrators have a fear, and probably rightly so, that students' attention and ability to remain on task are more likely to stray than stay if given the chance. Unfortunately, that means most teachers opt away from incorporating computers and the Internet, rather than trying to guide the students.

My personal opinion is that students are always going to choose the easiest paths, unless they are taught to do otherwise. Just like children need to be taught how to read or work through a math problem, they also need to be taught how to keep focus and how to work diligently because if a child is given the option to study or goof off, human nature says he will always choose to get off task. Therefore, we need to see a student's lack of focus as a teaching opportunity. (There are obvious exceptions to this, but I believe it's a pretty reliable statement.) Therefore, whenever using a Web 2.0 tool or an interactive website, there is always the inherent possibility that students will get off task and, as the teacher, we need to help them get back on task and resume their work.

As far as holding students accountable for assignments when using the Internet, a great way is to present them with a rubric for how the assignment will be graded and teach them to self-assess their work. A website like Rubistar is a great tool for quickly creating a rubric you can use for students' work and this will help students know what to expect when they submit their project.

A rubric is also a great way to help students stay on task. Often a student's attention will stray when he/she is unsure what needs to be done and is unwilling to ask for direction. A rubric helps a student know exactly what is expected and figure out what still needs to be done on his/her project.

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