Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Glog, glog, glog, glog!!!

I've found the best way to generate enthusiasm about a project with my students: personalization. What I mean is that when I allow students to create something that reflects their unique character, they seem to have much more fun as they learn. Often they don't realize that they're learning if they're having a good time!

A great tool for garnering this kind of enthusiasm is Glogster, an online poster maker. If you've never used Glogster, imagine creating a standard poster with your class. Now imagine being able to add and edit pictures quickly, add links to different websites, putting videos on your poster and doing the whole thing without the scraps of paper littering the floor and glue all over the place! You'll be amazed how your students will exhibit a surprising desire to create and stay on task when they are simply allowed to customize colors, images, and text! Check out this example below:

How to bring this into the classroom
Glogster is such a versatile tool that it's difficult to narrow down how to use it. You can literally use it in every subject with almost every grade level (though I probably wouldn't go younger than 2nd grade).

2nd Grade: During an animals and habitat unit give each student a different animal and have them create a glog about that animal's unique characteristics and how each thrives in its given environment.
4th Grade: Have students illustrate the differences between patriots and loyalists during the time of the Revolutionary War.
5th Grade: Students do book reports on WWII books in order to compare/contrast reality and fiction.

What other ideas do you have?

1 comment:

  1. I had brain overload with the Glogster. I too think it is a cool and creative tool for the students to uniquely personalize what they know or what they are interested in. I had to chuckle when I read your comment about not using it in grades lower than 2nd as I teach first. I think you might be right. You're right when you said it would cut down on materials. Just think no mess and no classroom storage or having to pass out materials! Fantastic!


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