Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mapping the World

A great way to help students connect to the world is by showing them a map of an area that is being discussed in class. This is especially useful way to connect with visual learners, those who remember best when seeing something.

How might this possibly be used in the class? Many younger students begin the school year with an "About Me" unit where they write about places they have lived, facts about relatives, and details about their lives. What better way to share your life than with a map marking special places? My story might include the map embedded below, which shows Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, where I was born. Students can then post a series of placemarks to denote a series of special locations, mapping out their entire lives in a personal history lesson. Another option may be to show where students have been on vacation. Imagine the connections that would develop when two students see that their families travel to the same small mountain town!

Where can you go?

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